Personnel & Finance Committee

Executive Conference Room

The Personnel Committee is an advisory committee to the Town Board which makes all final decisions. The powers and duties of the Personnel & Finance Committee are to make recommendations regarding:

  • Matters related to Town finances and financial policies, including:
    • Annual Town Budget
    • Fund transfer resolutions, contracts, borrowing, investments, purchasing procedures, capital expenditures, land acquisitions, collection of delinquent taxes, commencement or defense of litigation.
    • Personnel items such as adding additional personnel, reclassification of personnel, and creation of new positions.
  • Monitoring Town Policies, including:
    • Wages, salaries, benefit plans, job descriptions, grievances, and disciplinary procedures.
    • Policies to assure consistency with current legal requirements and to ensure such policies serve to retain and attract quality employees and otherwise serve the best interests of the Town.
  • Conduct hearings on employee grievances or disciplinary matters.
    • Reports findings and conclusions to the Town Board.

The Personnel & Finance Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday after the 1st Monday of each month at 7:30 AM if needed. The Committee consists of five members who serve a two-year term.

Please click here to see agendas and minutes for Personnel & Finance Committee meetings.