Annual Meeting

What is an Annual Meeting and what does it do?

Typically called  “The Peoples Meeting”, the Annual Town Meeting provides the means for town electors to exercise their statutory authority over the governance of the town.  It descends from meetings in the earliest settlements in New England and distinguishes towns from other forms of Wisconsin governments. Unlike towns, village, city, county, and state governments act solely through elected representatives. In Wisconsin, town electors may exercise their unique powers via an Annual Town Meeting, or at a Special Town Meeting called for a specific purpose. The Annual Meeting should not be confused as a meeting of the Town Board.  While members of the Town Board may attend the Annual Meeting, it is not a meeting of the governing body, and thus not covered under the Open Meetings Law.

Powers given to townspeople are granted by Wisconsin Statutes., Section 60.10.  Some of these powers include voting on the annual town budget, the annual town report, buying or selling of town-owned land, construction or destruction of town-owned buildings, etc.

The Annual Meeting is the people’s meeting, and we want to hear from you.  This is your chance to let your voice be heard. All are welcome to attend!

Agendas & Minutes


Annual report